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ETM’s business model focuses on industrial engineering projects. Our main asset: people. Each new project involves mobilizing people on site. ETM operates nationwide and its head office is in Porto Alegre/RS. 

It was founded in 1980 by a Chemical Engineer, Mauricio Graeff, who is currently the Chair of the company’s Management Committee. ETM has dozens of projects in its portfolio. As a legacy of all its years of experience, it has developed a working method to ensure it retains its essential core, regardless of the contract, client or location of the work: Integrate to Build (IPC in Portuguese).



It is responsible for providing assurance for the company’s Governance, so that ETM’s values are applied to all its day-to-day operations.

Maurício Graeff

Maurício Graeff

Founder and President of ETM and a partner in hum Energia SA, a company for developing renewable energy projects that was incubated by ETM. Maurício is a Chemical Engineer and a businessman from the agricultural sector.

Hildo Henz

Hildo Henz

ETM partner and founder and CEO of hum Energia SA. He graduated in Chemical Engineering and has a specialist degree in Management from Ibmec and the Dom Cabral Foundation/INSEAD. He started his career at Petrobras. He was in charge of the Alberto Pasqualini Refinery (REFAP). He was the Engineering Director at Brenco and CEO of Solazyme Bunge (Corbion)

Marcelo Giacomazzi

Marcelo Giacomazzi

COO of ETM. He is a graduate in Mechanical Engineering and has a specialist degree in Production Engineering from UFRGS. He has been working at ETM since 2007 and has been involved in projects in the Oil and Gas, Renewable Energy, Chemical and Petrochemical industries.

Mariana Graeff

She graduated in Psychology and has a post-graduate degree in Marketing from the Getúlio Vargas Foundation. She has worked in communications for over 20 years and has been an executive in companies such as the RBS Group and the A Editora Group. She is in charge of the Organizational Culture Management Program at ETM.

Main Clientes.

hum energia – Rio de Janeiro RJ

Innova – Triunfo – Rio Grande do Sul

Galvani / Yara – Serra do Salitre – Minas Gerais

Solazyme Bunge (Corbion) – Oriundiúva – São Paulo

Petrobras REFAP - Canoas RS

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